Lightning Creates Energy and Hydrogen. Does ET Use Hydrogen?

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Aug 12, 2024 - 21:00
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Lightning Creates Energy and Hydrogen. Does ET Use Hydrogen?
Picture courtesy Chuck Zukowski, taken from my house in Colorado.

In my previous blogs I mention how ET’s who use hydrogen for propulsion, can extract it from space and travel to those planets who also have lots of hydrogen resources. Water here on Earth is a great source of hydrogen. Easy to spot from great distances, ET’s can find those planets enriched with this element. I’ve also mentioned in previous blogs that hydrogen not only can be extracted from water but also from fossil fuels. It’s also interesting to see Mother Nature also extracts hydrogen from water through lighting strikes. So two main sources of energy will occur from lightning, hydrogen and electricity.

Thumbs up to Benjamin Franklin and his melted key and burned kite.

The National Weather Service states the average lightning strike will push around 300 million volts of electricity. That’s just the average strike, extreme strikes can carry over a billion volts. Also, the average lightning strike has around 30,000 amps. Most homes under 3000 square feet use 100 amp panels, so one average lightning strike pushes enough amperes for 300 homes. The state of Colorado where I used to live, has an average of 530,000 lightning strikes per year. So in one year Colorado can generate 15,900,000,000.00 amps or 159,000,000,000,000.00 volts for over 159,000,000.00 – 100 amp home circuit breaker panels. These strikes also create a lot of hydrogen in the air.

Excerpt from a previous blog:
Hydrogen is our simplest element because each atom of hydrogen has only one proton. Hydrogen is also the most abundant element in the universe. Stars like our sun consist mostly of hydrogen. The sun is essentially a giant ball of hydrogen and helium gases. Hydrogen also occurs naturally on Earth in compound form with other elements in gases, solids and liquids. Like H2O water, each water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.

When lightning strikes during a thunderstorm, the voltage from the lightning will create hydrogen through electrolysis. But due to the heat of the strike, the hydrogen generally reverses its course and turns back in to water, H20. But due to lightning’s electrolysis with water, hydrogen is generated.

Here’s a simple experiment which was shown in a previous blog that creates hydrogen.

Photo courtesy of (

An Electrolyzer uses electrolysis which is the process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. You can do a simple experiment at home separating hydrogen and oxygen from water. Using a 9 volt battery, stretch out two paper clips or wires in right angles and attach one to the positive end of the battery and the other to the negative side. Put the other ends in a glass of water. The current in battery will start an electrolysis process and start separating the oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms in forms of bubbles. To speed the process up, add salt to the water, why? Because salt is a conductive element.

Disclaimer: The previous picture is a bad example of how to perform this experiment, if you do this, sit the battery away from the glass of water and use longer wires bending into the glass. DO NOT HOLD THE BATTERY OVER THE GLASS! Oh, and don’t light a match over the glass either, think Hindenburg!

Let’s say an ET who uses hydrogen for power, could extract it not only from water or oil, but from lightning strikes too? This would be a good reason why there are a lot of UFO sightings during lightning storms. Sure some sightings may be due to “ball lightning” which has been explained as a high-density plasma phenomena, but that’s a rare phenomenon still trying to be explained.

What if ETs use lightning’s massive voltage and current for propulsion? Our planet Earth gets hit with a lightning bolt about 100 times per second or about three billion times each year. So multiply three billion times by 300 million volts, and that’s how much electricity Mother Nature generates each year on this planet.

Could we harness this energy for power? Eventually our knowledge with science will be able to achieve this, but we’re years away in our technology. What about an advanced race of beings technology? Well that’s different.

One thing we humans all have in common is, we think human. Now if we think alien or in our history had focused our combined energy for space travel technology, instead of arguing and fighting between us, we would be far more advanced in understanding the cosmos.

Case in point:. Nicolaus Copernicus (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543)

Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who proposed the theory that our Sun was the center of our universe and that the Earth, spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around our Sun. This is known as the heliocentric or Sun-centered system. Even though he wasn’t completely correct about the Universe, he was on the right track. Major religions at that time despised his theory because it was assumed the Earth was the center of all things, but Copernicus still wrote the manuscript for his book, “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” (“On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”) in 1532.

He didn’t publish the book until 1543, just two months before he died, because he knew his life would be in danger due to questioning the church.

If we weren’t fighting between ourselves over differences of beliefs and combined our recourses, just think where we would be now if we had embraced Copernicus’s theories back in 1543 instead of stating it was heretic or he was a non-conformist?

So now let’s look at ET. How about a life form from another planet who evolved with the understanding that science was the most important concept. Or, maybe they didn’t fight between themselves because they lacked the ability of having feelings or emotions? Or, maybe they were able to control those attributes? Maybe they are more like Bees or Ants and work more together rather than against each other.

I wrote a blog a while back called, “To Think Like an Alien, You Must be an Alien”. We can only guess what ET is doing or thinking so we investigators have to think way out of the box when running investigations. So when I’m trying to theorize why ET would be visiting this planet, and how they are doing it, I can only look at what I know about the recourses of this planet, and why they would be interested in us.

Any theories we have of traveling through space is strictly based on what we know about our science at this time, not our science 100 years from now, or even 10 years from now, but now. So to make claims about why ET would be visiting our planet is only based on current guesses and assumptions. To state life doesn’t exist outside of our planet is also very Medieval thinking and not really worth anyone’s time or energy to debate it. So we need to focus on the positives and not the negatives. Intelligent life does exist outside our planet, and based on what we know about universes and galaxies and what we don’t know at this time about our existence, one can easily state this.”

“Based on science and what we think we know how life started on our planet looking at statistics and the odds that needed to be overcome, and based on what we know currently about outside of our planet and what we haven’t learned yet, I can safely say.”

“The possibilities of life existing outside this planet is greater than the possibilities of life existing on our planet.” Based on probabilities and percentages.

But then you say, “But life exists on this planet!” … Exactly!

We know intelligent life exists here, therefore we must also know intelligent life exists out there. No reason to question, no reason to debate, it is what it is.

So we need to focus on:

If here, then why here?

For what reasons?

And what type of energy is needed to get from there to here?

For the last question I like hydrogen as the source of energy from there to here. It’s so abundant in space and on this planet, that if ET’s needs hydrogen for propulsion, then the Earth makes a great place to visit, research, and fill the tank up. As for the other two questions; Why here? and; For what reasons? Well, one out of three being propulsion would be a good start, as for the other two questions? Well, we’ll have to address those later as we learn more.

And as for lightning? Well not only is it a great source of energy, extremely dangerous and also awesome to watch, it also reminds us of one important thing, who the boss on this planet really is.

Chuck Zukowski

The post Lightning Creates Energy and Hydrogen. Does ET Use Hydrogen? appeared first on Chuck Zukowski UFO/Paranormal Investigations.

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