Black Knight Satellite

Did it exist, does it exist? The post Black Knight Satellite appeared first on Chuck Zukowski UFO/Paranormal Investigations.

Sep 28, 2024 - 03:00
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Black Knight Satellite
Oumuamua asteroid, courtesy

Oumuamua is the first confirmed interstellar asteroid which has travelled into our solar system. It was named a Hawaiian name, Oumuamua by its discoverers meaning, “A messenger from afar arriving first”. The asteroid is up to one-quarter mile (400 meters) long and highly-elongated, about 10 times as long as it is wide. Avi Loeb, the chair of Harvard’s Astronomy Department, co-wrote a paper with Shmuel Bialy, that suggested this particular object could be a deep space alien probe. Their reasoning included multiple factors like:

  • Because of it’s unusual shape, they didn’t expect that type of asteroid to exist in space.
  • Oumuamua moves much slower than other asteroids which move at the speed of the star they came from. Why?
  • Most importantly and unusual is the fact that it deviates from an orbit that is shaped purely by the gravitational force of the sun. It has no comet tail, and appears to be on it’s own projectory.

Being completely oblivious to alien technology it wouldn’t be hard to comprehend that Oumuamua could actually be an alien deep space probe. But there’s another alien space probe story that’s been in UFOlogy for years and it’s about an Alien satellite which some say has been orbiting Earth.

Enter, “The Black Knight.”

No, not the Black Knight from Monty Python who would fight even after losing his limbs, or the supernatural Black Night from the King Arthur tales, but the unknown alien satellite some say has been orbiting our planet for some time.

NASA STS-88 Mission catalog image, 025570.
NASA STS-88 Mission catalog image, 025570 cropped.

Some people believe this photo taken from the STS-88 Shuttle mission is, “The Black Knight”. An alien satellite that has been orbiting our planet for years collecting data and transferring it back to its origin. But the STS-88 Shuttle mission states this object is a thermal cover in which astronaut Jerry L. Ross Mission Specialist had lost during a space walk. The object is catalogued as, STS088-724-66

But some say there’s a cover-up and the Black Knight satellite actually exists. They also say you can trace its story back to Nikola Tesla himself.

Photo courtesy

In a February 1901, Collier’s Weekly article, “Nikola Tesla recounted his experience.”

Nikola Tesla:
The changes I noted were taking place periodically and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause then known to me… The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.

Nikola Tesla:
The idea of communicating with the inhabitants of other worlds is an old one. But for ages it has been regarded merely as a poet’s dream, forever unrealizable. And with the invention and perfection of the telescope and the ever-widening knowledge of the heavens, its hold upon our imaginations has been increased, and the scientific achievements during the latter part of the nineteenth century;

It appears in 1899 Nikola Tesla was recording very odd radio signals from outer space. His laboratory in Colorado Springs, which location is now a housing subdivision, was picking up unusual radio signals which he speculated came from an intelligent alien civilization.

Some say Tesla picked up emissions or radio signals from a pulsar, a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation from its poles.

If the nay-sayer scientists believe this is true, then they have to give Nikola Tesla credit for discovering radio pulsar star signals which was credited to Jocelyn Bell Burnell on November 28th 1967, which was 68 years later. Tesla is also thought of the initial creator of WIFI. At the peak of his career, he theorized that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly through air at long distances.

Today’s home WIFI router transmits 100 milliwatts of energy through your home, a watt being a unit of measurement for power. The transmitting signal combines power with data, so Nikola Tesla was right on track back around 1898. So, did Tesla actually pick up radio waves from an ET source? He definitely was a genius and his thinking was, way out of the box back then.

No one even today, can actually state he didn’t receive alien radio waves, they’re just guessing he didn’t. Could the radio waves he picked up back then have originated from the Black Knight satellite? Astronomers back then were really in an infant stage of learning about what could be orbiting our planet. Sixty nine years later, the USSR launched Sputnik, a basketball sized satellite on October 4th, 1957. It was the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. There was no space debris back in the days of Tesla either. If he had the capability to pick up pulsar star radio waves, then his technology was far advanced and could have picked up on ET radio transmissions too! Today, SETI has been designed to do what Tesla was trying to do back then.

The SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) was incorporated as a 501(c)3 California Non-Profit Corporation on November 20, 1984. Using advanced technology, SETI searches for intelligent extraterrestrial life using various techniques such as, monitoring radio transmissions and optical signals

But what about the Black Knight, is it a conspiracy theory or the real deal? Many today believe Oumuamua could be an Alien Probe. Many today like myself believe the Balls of Light people have been seeing for decades if not centuries are alien probes. I’ve proved and shown from my previous blog on my Marley Woods investigation that, “By changing the environment in an area which is high in paranormal activity, you can get some type of paranormal response.” Not all the time, but more times than not.

So, could there be a Black Knight satellite orbiting our planet? The answer is, “Oh hell yes!” Many like me know ET probes exist on this planet, so why not in orbit. If the technology is from an advanced ET source, then it can easily be hidden from us using their technology by looking like natural space debris or just cloaked. The British military has been working on ADAPTIV, which is a camouflage system from BAE Systems “British Multinational Aerospace, Defense and Information Security Company” that can make vehicles blend into their surroundings by masking their infrared signature. ADAPTIV can make vehicles appear to be at the same temperature as their surroundings, or even look like other objects leaving them invisible to our enemies.

And that’s using our technology, but what about Top Secret technology we (the consumer) doesn’t know anything about yet? Five or ten years ahead of the technology we use today, who knows what type of technology is lurking in military and government endorsed labs?

So let me reiterate. Can the Black Knight Satellite exist especially if it uses technology far more advanced than what we know of, or have today?

The simple and obvious answer is, “yep!”

Blog link references: Oumuamua Asteroid
New Yorker Magazine: Have Aliens Found Us? The Black Knight
Popular Mechanics: The Black Knight Satellite Conspiracy
Wikipedia: Black Knight Satellite
NASA Photo from Space Shuttle Mission STS-88
Tesla Science Center
Tesla Collection

The post Black Knight Satellite appeared first on Chuck Zukowski UFO/Paranormal Investigations.

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