10 Fun Facts About Getting Discovered Through Marketing Automation

If you are familiar with the world of digital marketing, you must already know the services that a marketing automation agency has to offer. However, if you’re new to the world of digital marketing and are only diving into the process of building a flawless campaign now, marketing automation is one of the few services […]

Jun 18, 2024 - 04:00
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10 Fun Facts About Getting Discovered Through Marketing Automation

If you are familiar with the world of digital marketing, you must already know the services that a marketing automation agency has to offer. However, if you’re new to the world of digital marketing and are only diving into the process of building a flawless campaign now, marketing automation is one of the few services that you must get to know.

Simply put, marketing automation is the process of using software and technology to effectively market and automate all repetitive tasks online. This helps in lead nurturing and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

In modern times, more than 75% of businesses, be they big or small, work with marketing automation software to help grow their business consistently from the very beginning. Not only does it allow businesses to avoid any possible human errors but it also gives businesses the benefit of being able to tackle major issues easily. 

How does marketing automation help in getting your business discovered?

One of the most common questions associated with the process of marketing automation would be, “Does it help in channelising a brand discovery?” and although the simple answer would be yes, we believe in backing up all the facts that we believe in. To help you know more about how marketing automation helps businesses, we built this list of 10 fun facts about getting discovered through marketing automation services:

  • Companies have spoken up about an increase in revenue within the first year of using marketing automation

Why do we hire digital marketing agencies? While some businesses tend to hire digital marketing professionals to get a boost on Google SERPs, most businesses tend to walk their way towards agencies to get a boost on lead generation with a higher ROI. 

Statistics and studies show a minimum of 20% increase in the overall revenue obtained from the integration of marketing automation into one’s digital marketing campaign. Marketing automation allows you to gain beneficial results in a shorter period as long as you understand the specifics of growth that you’re supposed to follow along the way. 

  • 2. Marketing automation strategies grow the way you allow them to

Growth will always be a procedure. One can’t invest in a marketing automation campaign once and expect results to be delivered. Think about it yourself, the growth process of humans is quite similar. We grow from childhood to adulthood through a lot of different hardships, learning different life lessons along the way, depending on what’s available to us in that day and age.

Similarly, marketing automation is as good as a child that grows with your business, depending on the innovative inventions made concerning the technological advancements of our time. Depending on the size of your business, your digital marketing campaigns will also be similar. For example, a small business will probably not be able to automate to the same extent as a large corporation would. 

To truly be able to benefit from marketing automation campaigns in the long run, you need to understand the maturity process of marketing automation and attempt to grow rather than leap.

  • The first level in the maturity level of marketing automation is traditional marketing. This means the business is targeting a relatively small audience, which limits the possible growth of the brand. There’s a limited marketing opportunity, with similar forms of sales management. This form of marketing lies at the bottom of the marketing automation ladder.
  • Next comes demand generation. Businesses begin understanding the importance of marketing automation software, but try to implement the use of it all themselves, limiting the use of the software to its optimum. Manual but basic campaigns are set up, resulting in relatively mediocre results.
  • Once a business invests in a digital marketing agency, it can observe better growth in its marketing automation campaign. There’s proper lead nurturing and growth with a well-integrated marketing and sales process. This helps in managing steady ROI on marketing automation.
  • The last and one of the grandest processes would be revenue performance management. Once a business continues to grow its marketing automation campaigns over the years, they begin to understand the results they want and need out of the strategy’s implementation. A revenue-based growth is a result of understanding the process. With sophisticated lead generation and management, ROI grows consistently and businesses observe growth.
  • Marketing automation and CRM are different but complementary

Since marketing automation is based on the concept of being able to manage Customer Relationships easily, people tend to confuse the use of marketing automation to be limited to building customer relationships. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.  CRM is majorly focused on sales and marketing.

CRM or Customer Relationship Management speaks about the company’s relationship with a particular customer (be it potential or current), with thorough data analysis about the history of their relationship with the company. This helps in customer retention, ultimately allowing an increase in sales. On the other hand, marketing automation is about the use of the software by marketers to save time on monotonous tasks. 

  • Almost 65% of businesses vouch for marketing automation as the easiest way of overtaking competitors

Marketing automation has helped businesses avoid monotonous tasks that would otherwise take up a little too much time to set up. Competitors that settle for traditional marketing compromise the ability to be able to skip unnecessary work to focus on tasks that are comparatively much more important.

Technology advances with every passing day with the sole purpose of making every user’s life easier. The businesses that choose to ignore these advancements end up being left behind, eventually. As of this very moment, more than 60% of businesses that have marketing automation software as a casual part of their digital marketing strategy are earning a higher amount of profit and recognition as compared to their competitors.

  • Marketing automation is not just about emails!

An extremely common misconception would be that marketing automation is only applicable to email marketing. Email marketing might be the most common strategic use of marketing automation software, but it is not the only use. If you install marketing automation software that limits its use to email only, you probably need better software.

Marketing automation allows you to automate everything – be it an email, a message, a call, or even an app notification. A well-made marketing automation software will allow you to work easily and effectively with the following activities:

  • Automation of lead generation process
  • Digital marketing campaign creation
  • Identification of niche audience
  • Finding and building the ideal design
  • Automatic trigger actions in response to user behaviour or schedule
  • Marketing automation allows you to tweak your campaigns depending on the ROI received

Many a time, businesses tend to be sceptical of the process of marketing automation due to the possibility of failure as a result of an automated campaign. Businesses tend to stray away from the process because they’re too scared to invest in a process that might not build them the results they want (and it’s all automated!). 

Finding the process of marketing automation to be overwhelming is quite a natural reaction. However, every business must know that marketing automation campaigns can be altered with time, which is considered to be one of the top benefits of the service. For example, if you don’t end up getting the results you hoped for within the first month of the campaign, you can tweak up the software to build up the ROI.

  • Marketing automation allows you to realise the importance of nurturing prospects

If there’s anything we know about growing a business, it’s that nurturing prospects is one of the only few ways to build up the leads of your brand. When a business fails to stay connected with a user that displayed an interest in their products and services, they end up losing out on a potential customer.

Many businesses have lost out on customers due to this very reason. Studies performed on marketing automation showed that businesses that used this strategy as a way of nurturing the relationship of a customer and a company ended up seeing a 451% increase in the number of qualified leads developed. 

  • A marketing automation campaign works hand-in-hand with SEO

Simply put, SEO helps in bringing in the leads needed for the implementation of a marketing automation strategy while marketing automation helps in improving SEO through analytics of the results achieved after automation has been performed. 

Moreover, marketing automation helps in building a plan for after your business has managed to acquire the top rankings on Google SERPs. Many a time, businesses tend to forget that they need a strategy that goes beyond the acquisition of the first rank on Google. What comes after landing at the top? 

As a business at the top of the Google search results page, you need to hold responsibility. Customers cannot be driven to a page that’s not prepared for an audience. Marketing automation helps you, as a business, to be prepared for the nurturing of a healthy customer-to-business relationship, allowing you to grow efficiently. 

  • Marketing automation helps in working up your buyer persona

We’ve all heard about the buyer persona before. Once a customer views a product or service online, they enter the awareness stage. However, the crucial part of the campaign is to be able to turn that awareness into consideration and eventually, a decision. 

Marketing automation helps customers receive new updates and alerts about the products that you have to offer. If a user is truly interested in your company, they will be inclined to know more after a few notifications. Holding a customer’s attention is a crucial part of running a business. Through marketing automation, not only are you able to keep the customer’s attention and what’s working well and what isn’t, but you also gain the benefit of building the customer’s interest in a particular product. 

If you truly want to build up the buyer persona of a customer, you must invest in a well-thought-out marketing automation strategy.

  •  At the end of the day, marketing automation is the key to saving both time and money

Realistically, no one has an excessive amount of time or money that they can keep investing in a singular job profile. Job profiles are meant to expand over time – for example, an intern grows to be a junior and eventually a senior. However, the profile of marketing automation doesn’t necessarily increase. 

Automated tasks will always be what they are – monotonous and repetitive. There’s no reason why you should be following traditional marketing when there are easier, time-friendly options available. Marketing automation is the key solution to making the life of a growing business easier. 

Is marketing automation the optimum strategy for success?

Marketing automation is a crucial part of all digital marketing strategies, however, it needs to be accompanied by a well-knit SEO campaign to truly be able to benefit the client involved. This is mainly since everything in the world of digital marketing is interconnected. One will always seem incomplete without the other. Moreover, if you truly want to gain an optimum return on investment, you need to dive head-first into the game plan. 

If you’re able to understand the depths of marketing automation, you will be able to understand the importance of building a marketing automation campaign. For example, marketing automation is capable of helping you with the following activities, easily:

  • Scheduling campaigns, posts, and videos for the future. You needn’t be readily available at all times or stay up all night to make a post at a particular time. It can be automated. 
  • Simplify all repetitive marketing tasks without having to do them over and over again. 
  • All social media campaigns can be managed from a single software. 
  • Real-time analytics allow you to stay updated with the progress of your campaigns. This allows you to make changes as and when you believe they’re needed.
  • Understanding what works and what doesn’t whilst simultaneously giving you the benefit of personalising all of your campaigns to meet your requirements. 

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